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250 Newport Center Drive, Suite 202
Newport Beach, CA 92660

e. | o. 949.675.7856

Erin Brockovich
*Photo Credit: Eva Rinaldi

Speaker Fee Range:

*Ranges are a guideline only, with the low end representing the speaker's virtual fee and the high end representing their in-person fee. Fees are subject to change. Contact us for an exact quote.

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Erin Brockovich

Iconic Envioronmental Activist, Consumer Advocate, Author & TV Host

Thank you so much for helping put together one of my most favorite speakers I have ever hired. Erin is a joy to work with and resonated so well with our attendees, I just adore her and thought she was the most perfect person for our event at this current state in time.

-Orange County Realtors

Thanks so much for all your help. The event was a triumph! The feedback is off the charts fantastic - I’m so happy! Erin was of course incredible - moved the room to tears… amazing.

-From Babies With Love

Speaker Fee Range:

*Ranges are a guideline only, with the low end representing the speaker's virtual fee and the high end representing their in-person fee. Fees are subject to change. Contact us for an exact quote.

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Request Erin Brockovich

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